Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bending or Kissing or Bowing towards Mazar-e-Mubar

Bending or Kissing or Bowing towards Mazar-e-Mubarak is not in Qibla Direction ?

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem. Allahumma Salle 'Ala Syedina Muhammadin Wa 'Ala Aalihi Syedina Muhammadin Wa Barik Wa Sallim.

Topic Question : Sajdah is not Complete without the Qibla Direction & Tazeem of mazars is not worship ? How ?

Answer :

Worship is only for Allahu Subhaanahu thaalah and no other creation is worth of Worship expect allah.

Coming to Point :
Sajdah of Worship is complete only under the circumstances / Conditions for Sajdah of Worship :

1) Wazoo is a must . Without Wazoo sajdah cannot happen
2) Neeyah is a must . Neeyah for worship
3) Qibla direction is very very important
4) 8 parts of the body should touch the ground without which sajdah will not be complete
5) Tazbeeh that is Subhaana Rabi al Aala should be recited in Sajdah of worship.

Bowing towards Mazars e Shareefs or Kissing Mazar e shareefs is not Sajdah of Worship for the following reasons :-

1) First of All Mazars of Momins or graves of muslim on this earth head side ( sirra side is not Qibla direction ) is in not towards Qibla direction only the faces face qibla direciton. The Direction of head is not in qibla direction but the face of muslim or momin faces qibla direction in the grave. So how ever bows or kisses the mazar shareef the person doing so is not bending or bowing towards qibla direction. Now the question arises here is when a person not bowing towards qibla direction how this act can become Sajdah or worship. So it is foolishness to say this act of respect as worship etc.
2) Here the neeyah ( intension ) is not for worship
3) There are no Tazbeehs recited here
4) Also Wazoo is not compulsary here. 
5) The Kissing of Feets of pious or elders is reffered as Khadam Boosi is urdu. So people near mazars try to take blessing from feet. Feet has importance in islam so bending near muqam e ibrahim is also allowed in Islam. We bend towards muqam e ibrahim in Nafil salah of worship of allah subhaanahu thaalah. if any one doesn't like to bend near or in front of muqam e ibrahim ( alaihis salaam ) his umrah or hajj will be thrown on his face. Worship is only for Allahu subhaanahu thaalah. So Blaming innocent muslims as worshipper of graves etc is haram and dead sin. Almighty is aware of all the consequences so he has arranged every thing in order and also kept conditions for Sajdah of worship of him ( Sajdah of Ebadaah for allah ) and it is wrong to blame muslims and patch the name of worship for tazeem.

Therefore Bending or Kissing or Bowing towards Mazar-e-Mubarak is not in Qibla Direction ? Then how you can point this act as worship ?
Worship ( Sajdah-e-Ebadaah ) is for allah which is accepted only when it is done towards Qibla direction only. So other acts of Tazeem ( Respects ) of Mazars is not be considered as worship.? 

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